Thursday, December 17, 2009

Trying to put the breaks on...

There are SO many things this season that can keep me spinning, it's crazy. I haven't wrapped a single present yet, still looking for a specific present fo Dylan and planning a trip to Corvallis one more time this year. Preston will be out on Christmas break on Friday. I am training for my new position, His Aunt who has been an angel by picking him up and dropping him off all year is suffering with phunomia. I have to make this quick, I have to take Presto to school. I was at my men's group last night. We were finishing up a serioes about faith and "getting out of the boat". We are sponsering a family. I just reminds me how tough of a time we are all gowing through.
For me I am trying to put on the break to remind myself of the blessings of this year, the graciousnes of God, sending Jesus and for a sense of this life I am living. I pray Shelley and Eric will be able to relax and enjoy Christmas with Carmen and Leo. Amy, you are a wise woman, I know you and Jurgen will come to have unity on the house. Everyone, take even 5 minutes today and put on the breaks just to breath and be thankful...All my best.


  1. You learned how to slow down...the art of life! Stop and smell the roses, stop and taste the olive oil. Be in the moment...and I will too. XXOO



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