Thursday, February 18, 2010

June 19th

So, it seems that June 19th will be the day I start my life with Amy as my wife. At first, we were looking at teh 12th, but we were unable to secure the Pastor of choice until the 19th. So there it is. And actually, it seems to be just fine by us. We will be limited to 50 guests so, this will be a very family friendly get together. Some friends for sure, but not nearly all that we would love to share this with. I hope all is well with that. Sometime this summer, we will plan to have an "after party" up in Seattle.
A year ago, I could never have dreamed that this was on the horizon. Life is good, but God is Great! I'm leaving most of the planning in Amy's capable hands. I got the pastor, the counseling, the honeymoon and the bank account set up. And thanks to the willing hands and supporting cast, this will be a great and fun event for all.


  1. Well, actually, Amy got the account set up. Props to Amy:D!

  2. I will write the date down, We will get the yard ready, Amy is working on table runners.

  3. Yah! Congrats!! I'm sure it will be a beautiful wedding with great memories surrounding it.

    love you,
    Lissa and Nate




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