Sunday, May 24, 2009

Welcome to my blog

Are we in Paris yet?
It seems to me, the hardest thing to find in Paris is a parking stall. It’s great if you ride a Vespa. Then again if you do, you better have a good will. They're crazy! I on the other hand was a guest of my sister in Paris and we drove very comfortable in her 8 passenger Mercedes van. While there was room for everyone, parking was a bit of a challenge. I was fortunate enough to catch this shot while my sister was frantically trying to secure parking. Later in the day, we found ourselves on the top of the tower...What a view, what a city! It truly was a great day and great start of a fantastic vacation.
Throughout the next 3 weeks, I hope to write more about the places I saw and people I met along the way. Bye for now...

1 comment:

  1. That is an amazing shot, on of the best I've seen nice perspective.




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