Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's hard to come back...

I learned so much about myself on this trip. Some, I'll just keep to myself. Others, well why did I wait soooo long to visit Europe. Thank's Amy and Jurgen for making this happen for me. There were so many memories, so many expreriences I will never forget. I realize this this is merely a practice run for futre trips, but wow, how fun!
So I'm sitting at my dest at work (at lunch) and I am still enjoying the memories. Everyone here was so excited for me when I returned and makde so many commets of how tan and relaxed I have been since I returned. The candy and pictures were a great hit.
The weather in Renton has been just great (75 F) since I've been back. I took Preston and Gary to the lake after work yesterday. It wasn't the Medierranean, but it was still water and a lot of fun. A BBQ with hot dogs toped off the night. Life is good!
When I can figure out how to post pictures, I will. We'll talk again soon.


  1. Hi Rick. I am having a hard time just getting back into things. Shelley can show you how to post a picture.

  2. SO, I'm still confused by By how all this works, but it's not the process, it's just my hessitation to change.
    Now that I have been back from Europe, I completely see things in my life differantly. Not sure so much that it was the trip so much as it was the realization that I took some large steps to making significant changes in my life. I allowed myself to experience things that might as well have been on the moon. I mean, I always thought someday, perhaps maybe..., but that someday finally came. I'll never be the same. It did me a world of good.




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