Thursday, October 8, 2009

Geraniums galore

I am on a break at work so I'll make this short. It is a crisp clear beautiful day in the northwest. I am starting to see evidence of the fall colors. I scored bigtime with the City Hall landscaper. He was changing out the planting beds by the City's marque. He was throwing out all the geraniums (hundreds!) They still had full blooms on them. I asked him what he was doing with them... "Tossing them". Well, being a resourcfull kind of guy (it's in my blood), I picked up as many as I could fit in my trunk. So after work, I will transplant these beauties in my yard. They hold up very well as they are very hardy plants. Thanks landscape guy!
My girlfriend Amy is coming up this weekend. Look forward to sharing qulity time with her again. She is such a blessing. I plan to plant as many bulbs as my budget of $35 can afford. Since I am in the gardening mode, the addition of the geraniums will be an extra bonus. To my sister Amy in Germany, I wish you well in your seemingly never ending struggle with the cold. Having a family of seven is a lot to get through a nasty cold. You're in my prayers. To my sister Shelley, I am glad you had a time out with Eric in Florida. I still can't figure out how to comment on your blog. It's probibly just me. Dianna, I hope you enjoy your time with Bridget, Chris and the kids this weekend. Happy fall everyone!


  1. Hi Rick, geraniums don't do well over winter. You need to put them in pots, cut them back and put them in a garage or basment. Keep them watered all winter. They will come back in the spring. If you leave them outside, they will die in the winter. Have a great weekend with Amy. Hi from me!

  2. What a blessing Geraniums are hardy, you may need to cover them before they freeze with straw or leaves and they will come back in the spring.
    just comment on the comment section then I read your comment and publish it later.
    Happy gardening

  3. I'm making a raised bed this weekend and will frame it out with plastic. I plan to cover them with straw and grass clippings. I will water them periodically in the winter. Hope this reaps rewards next year. Thanks for the advice. I have 30 large plants in all.

  4. Sounds like nearly the entire family is giving you similar advice. Be careful putting grass clippings on something you plan on wintering over. The grass will start composting and produce a lot of heat, bacteria, and rot. This will in turn, kill the plants you are trying to save. Straw, not hay, will provide insulation while still alowing the plants to get water and to breath. Straw does not break down over the course of one winter. You really did score with those geraniums. Mom




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