Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Green House and Gravestones...

Over the weekend, I took the advice of my sisters (I know, kinda amazing, if you think of it!) and decided to transplant all of the currently healthy geraniums into a leantu shaped greenhouse I build just for that purpose. I have to be thankful for the extended Indian Summer we have been blessed with, but at last the signs of the fall are upon us. So, I had several spare cedar planks I found in my Beach House attick and used them to make a functional greenhouse. It is roughly 3 ft by 6 ft. and nicely framed in with a clear plastic enclosure. Before I enclosed it, I planted the geraniums in good tilled soil. Then, covered them up in staw and watered the plants. So far so good. It weathered a good windstorm. I also left an area that I could get a hose in to water occassionally if need be. We'll see if this experiment worked out next summer. I also planted a box of 70 mixed colored tulips in the front. Should look great next spring.
Now about the gravestones...
I had 6 leftover used cedar planks which I got for free on Craigslist for the trim work in the beach house. I was using other leftover pieces for bond fire wood over the summer. But, I thought of another use for the final left over pieces. Since it is near Halloween, I decided to poke a little fun and created about 15 or so funny (play on words) tombstones. I got quite the reaction form my neighbors. Well, it was a fun way to recycle the old fening material. Well, make it a great day wherever you are and whatever you are doing...




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