Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Preston and Shelley

I woke up this morning feeling extra blessed. My youngest son Preston turns 11 today! Eleven, wow! He has always been my angel. We have seen and been through a lot of things together over the past eleven years, yet when I woke up this morning and walked into his room and saw him laying asleep in his bed, I couldn't help but think of how blessed I felt knowing he was a great big part of my life. Be great today Presto!, Enjoy the cupakes in your class, get a hit at your game tonight, live life today! God has great things in store for you. You are a wonderful blessing to me! Happy Birthday son.

And since my wonderful sister Shelley was so kind to share her birthday, I want to honor her and ask God's great blessings on her today as well. Happy bithday sis, I love you.


  1. Happy birthday Preston we have a great day don't we.
    Hope your birthday is as good as mine and better.
    Love, Aunt Shelley




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