Friday, April 30, 2010


In just a mere 50 days, I will exchange vows with Amy Lockrem. That's amazing to me! I am very happy. With that, I know there is tons still to do on my "to do list", Pretty much every day between now and then is full, but hey, if it all doesn't get done, at least much of it will. I know, and appreciate all that our family is doing to help us to make this a great day and celebration. This is a milestone day! Before I know it, it will be here. God has been so blessing us.
Amy has decided to proceed with the neck surgery and is scheduled for May 18th. Pray for her quick recovery and health. We are trusting her recovery will be without complications. Later this month, I will joining Preston at his 3 day outdoor school on an island in the San Juans. I will be leading a group of 10 boys, Pray for me! Preston has 15 games left on his season schedule between now and June 9th.
I am starting and hopefully finishing an outdoor mural over the next 2 weeks. I also have to create an opening between my living room and what will be our music room to house Amy's baby grand. This will definately help us with the extra cash for our honeymoon and moving expenses to bring Amy up to Washington. Like I said, the calander is very full, but with God's grace and some humor along the way, we will get er' done!

1 comment:

  1. 50 days we have a lot to do in 50 days. It will get done.




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