Thursday, May 27, 2010

A looooooong week!

This is not a complaint, just an observation. I have had busier weeks, but it just seems like I am in need of a break. I know, poor me. I am working on finishing an outdoor art project for a good friend. It is a nice commissioned job, but so far it's been kicking my butt. Between my regular job, and Preston's crazy baseball schedule and outdoor school, and trying to help Gary find a job (Yeah!, he has one now and there is a break for a week with no more games) I only have to finish that commissined art project, and the small wall remodel to fit Amy's baby grand when she moves in next month. And, finish getting her packed and her condo ready for our renter before June 19th to deal with. I will be driving down to Albany on Saturday and working on her condo until Wednesday. We will go through our last few marriage counseling meetings and getting her stuff packed and ready for the renter. Then I will tackle the wall for the piano, and finish up Preston's baseball season, Then go down one more time to move her stuff up to Renton before the wedding.
Then I will come down and actually get married to the most amazing and lovely woman. Then off to Hawaii! I will look forward to the break and new challenges and opportunities to come.
If I don't write anything until then, well, I was just too tired or too busy to put it down on words, but I hope all is well in your world.

1 comment:

  1. Eric was saying Hawaii, why are we working so hard and not going to Hawaii. I said we can't we don't have the budget or the time to take off.

    But we can go boating when the wedding is over.




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