Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Last night Amy and I started Financial Peace Univeristy as offered in a small group through our church last night. So far so good. We bought the packet and read the first chapter. The ight was actually jut an introduction, but we had decided months ago to participate.
We recently brought Amy's youngeast daughter into the house for (a temporary) stay til she can get her feet on the ground again. I won't go into details, but I am glad we were able to be there for her. It looks like the guest house is going to be filled this winter.
I've been reading about my sister's request to have her inside painting done for her birthday. My Amy's been wanting uas to do the same to change up the color scheme around here. I'm on bord, just need to take a breather before I do. I have been working on restoring original wood floors in the house and painting Preston's new preteen room. Very pleased with the results. I also have more bulbs to plant and want to have a short get away with Amy soon. I would be nice to see something other than our four walls. I love Fall and the changing of the colors. I want to show her more of the Puget Sound. All my best.

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