Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I am inspired! I think my inspiration gets ahead of my abilities some times. What am I talking about? Well, it's like this. I am a single dad and all that that implies, it's all on me to take care of the issues of life in my household. I have invited additional guests to stay at my home for the summer and a nephew who lives in my home as well. Well, that has been a crazy mix for sure. I am not complaining it's just a lot to take in for an extended period. But to my point. I am in the process of painting my guest quarters. The Arie Beach House. (All is good , no worries beach house). I am so inspired, but just can't seem to paint it all at the speed of my life. So, last night at midnight, I came to this reality and now have peace that it will get done when it gets done. No more stress, no more worries. I have real peace about it and my inspiration for a tropical get away isn't fading, it's just not going to be complete as soon as I wanted it to. A delayed gratification is alright by me. So, somewhere in this message is a lesson for me and perhaps all who read it.

1 comment:

  1. That's like our garage I really want to get it clean but life seems to get in the way. I still have hope that it will get done.



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