Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sleepless in Seattle...

What an awesome weekend! Amy came to visit Preston and me. That in it self was significant, but the time we shared was fantastic. I got to play tourist in my own city. Before she came, and after I realized the guest beach house wasn't going to finished, I decided to "summer clean" the house and yard. Good thing, I think it made a great impression on her. It was a long time coming anyway because I have had so many guests over the summer with Travis and his family, Dylan leaving his mark and the occassional drop-in of Gary, it made for a good cleaning. Heck, I even cleaned the carpets (they needed it). I guess what I'm saying here is that the house looked good inside and out.
We went to Alki Beach Friday night after a dinner out. A great view of the city, and nearly got soaked by the park spinklers. Had a good laugh before heading home. Since the guest house wasn't ready for guests quite yet, She got my room and I got the floor in Preston's room.
Saturday morning she was welcomed to my famous Saturday breakfast in bed spread. Preston and I took Amy to Snoqualmie Falls for the day. It was in the mid 80's. After a great picnic at the base of the falls and a good relaxing 2-3 hours enjoying the water we hiked up the trails to have a fun dinner at a Mongolian Grill resautant. We enjoyed a movie at home, (Wild Hogs) with Preston and called it a day.
Sunday was an over the top day. Still amazing weather, we went to the early service at New Lfe so we could make our 11:00 bording on the Argossy Smooth Jazz Cruise on Elliot Bay. That was awesome. great food, great music, outstanding views of Seattle and even better views of my special guest. After a 2 hour trip on the sound, we walked around the Seattle water front. Then another 2-3 hours enjoying the Pike Place Market. Picked up some fresh veggies and a bouquet of flowers for Amy. We then found our car after a good hunt in the wrong parking lot (guess I was distracted) and drove home to meet up with Gary.
I put on the grill a decent spread of steak Kabobs. I also made a cucumber, and tomato salad. (Just like in Cyprus). Amy picked out a great bottle of Chardony and after a nice dinner of laughter and conversation of hearing about Travis's road trip of yester year to Tiajuana, we enjoyed a good hot blazing bon fire, and some smores.
Gary really enjoyed himself and I think he was impressed by my guest.
Monday came too soon. Preston and I had a dentist appointment in Kirkland. We took Amy with us. While she paitentlty waited for us, she walked to Juanita Beach near my old stomping grounds in Kirkland. Again another beautiful day. No cavities!
We took Preston to the Kirkland waterfront and had lunch on the Marina. When we returned to Renton only to have to say goodbye at least for now.
So yes, it was a very good weekend. Thank you Amy for making it special.



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