Wednesday, September 2, 2009

School Daze!

Oh yes, the official start of school is upon us. Had a very busy night. It was a Dylan night (every Tuesday) all the running and traveling that that involves. I made a visit to Big Lots to get final supplies for Preston and found an amazing find for the guest beach house. (I’ll keep it a surprise for now).
As you know Travis,Sandy and their boys lived with Preston, Chris and me all summer. Well, they moved up north yesterday. Travis will join them on Thursday in their new house. Their house won’t be available until then so Sandy and the boys are staying at a friend’s house up in Woodinville. Travis didn’t want to stay at yet another friends house even for a few nights. That's fine. Travis and I are going to work on the beach house tonight. School starts for their kids in Woodinville today as well so it makes sense that they left when they did. We all survived! He and I shared a bottle of Merlot last night and a great conversation. The house was noticably more quite and relaxed. It's all good!
Preston was already up when I left for work so I gather he must be a little excited even though I doubt he would never admit it. His Aunt Melody has made it possible to pick him up in the morning and drop him off after school for the year. I am grateful for her willingness to do this. When I took him to an open house on Monday, I not only met his new teacher, but signed up to be a class helper for his first field trip. It’s next Thursday at the family Fun Center. It’s a great place to hang out with go cart racing , mini golf, video games, and more. It’s just for the 5th graders. Not a bad start to the year!

1 comment:

  1. Oh the first day of school how fun. It's exciting for everyone.



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