Friday, September 11, 2009

20 years

All of us remember 911 for lost lives of so many innocent people in New York. I as well, that was tragic and we all changed in some ways because of it, but there is also an anniversary which I choose to remember for other reasons.
Twenty years ago I stepped into Renton City Hall and was introduced as a new employee. It's amazing to me to think it was twenty years already. I'm a little greyer, my infant son is in college and two others came along the way. I have been married a second time since, and the world has changed. But twenty years at the same place, that seems to hardly happen anymore. A long standing job with the same company, but for me it has happend and I am very grateful for this blessing. I think what has been the best part for me has been the people whom I have had the privilege to work with. I love what I do, it is very gratifying and in some way I feel as though what I have done over the past twenty years has contributed in some capacity to the betterment of the city which hired me. It just is a good feeling and I wanted to share this with whoever reads it.



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