Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Paint, It's what I do!

At my work today, we had a team building day which offered optionally four different activities to build team spirit while providing community activism. There was a group of coworkiers who workd a food bank, some who cleaned up park trails, some who helped some downtown small businesses, and finally some graffitti clean-up. I could have been happy in any of these options, but I chose the graffitti clean-up. Afterall, paint, is what I do...
We painted over an elderly lady's 50 ft. long concrete brick wall and a section of a noise wall on I-405. With nine of us doing this, it took no time at all. But, it was a fun experience and later we will have a bareque to celebrate our total group effort. This is just another reason I appreciate the wonderful group of people I work with.
For many of us who have kids returning to school, perhaps you have already experienced an early bout with the flu. My poor Preston has been hit pretty bad. He has missed 3 days so far. The fever is gone, but he is still pretty weak. Pray he recovers to his energetic self. I miss that!

1 comment:

  1. Hope Preston gets well soon.
    I'm sure the lady appreciated the help on painting her wall.



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