Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day is for laboring...

Preston and I enjoyed the long weekend in Corvallis, and a considerable time in Albany and Newport for that matter thanks to the company of Amy. It really was a blessed trip. Mom rediscovered her office and Paul, Dianna, and I were able to help that not so easy of task become a reality.
After a great day at Agget Beach, Amy blessed me with a visit to our past one night. While Preston entertained himself on the Wii, we passed the time looking at yearbooks from junior and senior high together. It was an amazing treat to not just see the pictures and relive memories, but better yet to see my own words written nearly 30 years prior speak to how I still feel towards Amy and our friendship. It's hard to really describe, but suffice it to say a real blessing.
Another treat was enjoying a bit of Shelley's plum tart. We spent a short, but fun time with Eric and Shelley at her house. She really is into her canning. Way to go! You have a lot to be proud of. All in all, this was a very good holiday weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Today we are making plum jam you will be getting this for Christmas.
    The plum tart is getting me threw the day.
    It was nice to see you and Amy.
    Thanks for all your help with mom and day I'm sure they appreciated it.



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