Tuesday, July 14, 2009

No worries...It's Just Paint!
...and a lot of it. Over the last few weekends, I have been taking on a huge task. I have been painting a enormous house (approx. 4,200 square feet!) Plus a 3 car garage to boot.
Well, 80 gallons of paint later, it is nearly done. I need just to finish on side of the house in trim on the upper gutter area. YeaH!! A sudden rain storm had me stop short. It will be done by Wednesday eveing, at least that's my goal.
I am not complaining mind you. Afterall, this was a barter of sorts. A good friend helped me get a business venture started a while back and well, this was his payback. I think it is good that services are still a viable way to exchange between friends. And if I was ever afraid of heights, that's no longer an issue. It's a good thing I like to paint. No mural this time, but still a work of art!

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