Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mui Caliente!

Hot! huuuuuuuwh!
I'm not unique here, we are all feeling it in the northwest. I downed 64 oz of water yesterday and still was thirsty. Atleast, I had something cool. I have a good friend who's AC went out on his $40,000 high end truck, he's spending the day tinkering to get it fixed. Played tag with the boys last night at 11:30 I think the the temp at midnight was 85 degrees.
I know we are wimps anymore, so glad I don't live in Florida. Nor Arizona anymore...
Preston went to Vacation Bible school last night with the neighbor kids.
Me, I talked to my reconnected friend Amy all night. Can't get enough of her. She just makes me smile.
I think tonight the lake is calling my name...
You know, I just am rambling today, but life sometimes leads us that way. No real issues going on and I don't need to manufacture something. Glad to make headway on mom and dad's place in prep for the big event on August 8th to purge the 37 plus years of accululation.
I am hoping to take Gary for a 4 day trip to New York to celebrate his 21st! If not there, some place fun, just us and another great memory to look forword to creating.
Thanks Chris, for helping your sister out this week.
Pray for Paul, he needs some rest and time to recover from a mild stroke. A deffinate wake up call for him.
Well, I think I will get back to life and stop rambling on, but hope all is well in your lives, God Bless... stay cool.

1 comment:

  1. Take is slow and easy on your relationship with Amy you don't want to scare the poor girl away.
    Your life is just as busy as ours.
    stay cool if you can.
    Love, Shelley



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